The Winery
Casa Vinicola Abbazia winery is located in Santo Stefano Belbo, a small town between Langhe Monferrato and Roero. The Langhe area is a mosaic of infinite landscapes impossible to embrace at a glance. Through quick steps with continuous changes follow each new and romantic landscapes that leave the spectator breathless.
Unesco heritage
“I stirs deep when I find me in these hills” with these verses Cesare Pavese one of the greatest poets of the XX century who was born in Santo Stefano Belbo. These views gave Santo Stefano Belbo the recognition of a World Heritage Site by UNESCO protected far their charge of spirituality and evocative power.
Cesare Pavese
``Finding myself in front and in the middle of my hills is taking me deep``
The Abbey personnel grows about 60 hectares of vineyards with a yield of aver 750 tons of grapes per year combined with those acquired from the locai growers far a total of aver 2,000 tons/year. The winery produces a large range of wines in arder to satisfy a larger number of customers worldwide.
“Your land will never betray you” is one of the best mottos of the CEO (Mario Santero) who believes that if you grow your land with love and care, you will be rewarded with good fruits.
This is where it all begins, the best sun exposure, the best soil and the ability to select the most mature grapes.
Here’s where you get the best aroma and the greatest, the fuller and the most balanced flavour a long with the most lasting and shining colors.
Our history
The production begins
Santero Pietro (Florentine origin, married with Griffini) moves to Calosso and begins to produces grapes (1st generation)
Santero Luigi “the Big”
Santero Luigi “il grande” Pietro’s son (borned in 1870) begins to produces wines from estate grapes. The son “Pietro” is borne.
First bottling
Santero Pietro begins to bottle the wines under his management. (2nd generation)
Organization and sales
Productive organization and sales growing towards other Italian regions
New Store
Opening of a store in Turin
The Abbey
Purchasing of the Benedictine Abbey by the Santero family composed of six brothers, and industrialisation of the production of wines, sparkling wines and liqueurs (3rd generation).
Expanding of the sales towards Europe, USA and Canada
Industrial and structural expansion
Administrative and technological digitisation
Company merger
Merger from six to two brothers: Luigi and Mario
One million
First time exceeded 1 million bottles sold
Santero Mario
Merger to one shareholder: Santero Mario and generational shift to the sons Pierluigi, Valter and Annalisa (4th generation).
Technological renewal
Deep technological renewal
Six million
first time exceeded 6 million bottles sold
International certifications
First time IFS and BRC certifications gained
Ten million
First time exceeded 10 million euro of turnover
New generation
Inclusion of the new generation of the Family (5th generation)

In the continuous research far product quality, our company is a partner in the two most important Italian consortia far the production of sparkling wines, and they are the consortium of ASTI and PROSECCO, where, in addition to promotion worldwide, they carry out a activities to improve production characteristics and quality control.
To complete the control of our production chain, we obtained the certification by Kiwa Cermet Italia the BRC FOOD CERTIFICATE and the IFS FOOD CERTIFICATE, to guarantee that ali our products are contrailled throughout the production process.
Our quality policy
- The company is committed to achieving customer satisfaction by the use of, internal procedures constant staff training and customer awareness;
- Create a flexible structure able to quickly adapt to changing business needs and customer requests;
- Face quality improvement strategically and operatively with renewed commitment in order to provide products and services of an outstanding quality and increase the market penetration ability;
- Put in place the necessary procedures in order to continuatively improve the SGQ using the opearational tools provided by the same System (corrective and preventing actions, internal audits, data analysis,system review);
- Facilitate internal and external communication in order to improve the SGQ which grants outstanding quaity standards of products and services;
- Improve to ensure a greater level of our production hygiene-health safety standard;
- Define process management tasks and responsabilities for the realization of the products and keep the system management and product making process under control;
- Identify and put in place the main hygiene and food safety procedures with special emphasis to our own activities and products. Manage and keep a control system in accordance with HACCP method;
- Operate in compliance with the defined procedures in order to grant outstanding wholesomemess, legal quality of the products and their tracking and tracing.
- Grant a timely and effective non-compliant product recall from the market;
- Increase our suppliers awareness about the need of keeping and improving the supplied products wholesomeness and legal quality outstanding standard;
- Keep the focus on sustainability and environemental issues: keep the company environemental context in compliance with the governing rules and select suppliers committed and aware toward environementsl issues (especially pest tratements managing)
- Ensure adequate safety and health work conditions for the staff, granting the compliance of the workplace safety regulations in force and provide and keep in good conditions refreshment and break rooms.
- Ensure staff satisfaction and involvement, providing work conditions inspired by respect, correctness and cooperation.
DATE: 06 February 2018 SIGNATURE DIR: Santero Pierluigi